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                Poetry on the fly
                 about anything
                 and everything. 
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I Believe


I believe in poetry, the essence of our life today,
quatrains that can make troubles go away.
They aren't around as much as they use to be,
but I'm trying to change that with this poetry.


I've been known to write one from time to time,
you can read them wherever Rapid-Fire is found.

You'll know them usually by the humorous rhyme,

poetry should be read, not hidden underground.


Poetry, I believe in it, with its impact on life,

free verse, the only poetry that some consider.
It has its place within the poetic world,
but is far from the only genre around.


Then there is haiku,
well known in the Asian lands,,,
our style - senryu.


A  crostics also challenge us to excel,

C   onsidering the way we all spell.

R   earranging the letters of a given word,

O   n a vertical setup, difficult I've heard.

S   till it's a challenge that you can meet,   

T   hat is unless you're quick to admit defeat.

I   n short, poetry has many forms you see,

C   onsider them all as nothing but poetry.




Hey Lil Brother


We're going to join in this vigil with you,
you see, we happen to miss mom a lot too.
We'll all stay right here in this tree,
if she pops into view, we can all see.


It really was such a sad, sad day,
when mom decided she was going away.

All we can do now is mope and frown,
that human's bringing us food from town.


He knows we're miserable, that's plain to see,

we're lucky he's our friend, you have to agree.
For great food and treats, there's never a lack,
let's not tell him that mom's not coming back.




Mother - The Beginning of Life


When man was created, God forgot one thing,

who was going to wear the wedding ring?

So, he created the woman, who became the wife,

a very special person to complete man's life.


But this wasn't enough, they needed another,

so, He decided he would make her a mother.

Man and wife, created a family,

to all live together happily.


Mother made certain the children were fed,

and all tucked in, each night for bed.

She showed her love, that she did care,

for the family, she was always there.

She cooked their food and served their meals,

and handled all of their help appeals.

With her man, she was hugging and kissing,

her man felt something else was missing.


So, he asked God, in a very special way,

about setting aside a tribute day.

Then her family would be able to say,

we love you mother, on this your day.


For your love, and for your care,

knowing that you're always there.

This special day like you is here to stay,

we're going to call it Mother's Day.


Enjoy your day, and have some fun,

you have earned it, you're number one!



Woe Is Me


I know my mom's never coming back for me,
as you can tell, I'm bored out of my tree.
She's hitting it so big in that Tinsel Town,
I'll never smile again, only frown.


How will I survive here alone this way,
I'm in a horrible mood, and no one wants to play.
The 'coons saying I'm grouchier than Old Bear,
to tell you the truth, I really don't care.


Mom never here to bring me my food,
it's no wonder I'm in a sour mood.
Wait a sec, there's that human leaving, down the street,

it's home raiding time, I need something to eat.


it's home

The Poet


  akes the words from the heart,AKES

H   eart full of compassion from the start,

E    ager to write on anything in life,


P    erhaps death, love, humor and strife.

O    ften touches others withwords so fine,

E    ndlessly the words flow line after line.

T    hat sums it up, these words of mine.




Let's Get This Door Open


We have to open this door, there's food on the other side,
something delicious that the human feller's trying to hide.

I think we can open it if we both try really hard,
or we may need reinforcements from the yard.


I don't know what he might be hiding in there,
he doesn't know yet, but he's going to share.

When you hide food from 'coons, trouble starts brewing,

we could also have a beaver come do some chewing.






A Desert Breeze


A cool night desert breeze,
helps to put my mind at ease.
Cooling off the hot dry day,
a desert breeze comes my way.

Bats fly in the cool of the night,
soaring gracefully, need no light.
Don't disturb a rattler, or you'll pay,
still a desert breeze comes my way.

A gentle breeze, not much power,
a coyote howls hour after hour.
Enjoying the coolness, I shall stay,
while this desert breeze comes my way.

Never find this breeze until the sun goes down,
just the way it is in this hot desert town.
So, I'll wait until the end of the day,
for a cool desert breeze to come my way.



Not The Life of Riley


After being viciously chased out of that fruit tree,
I've decided to try this one, now look at me.
I'm afraid that I'm just about to fall,
as you can tell, this isn't easy at all.

Everyone thinks we raccoons have an easy life,
but stuff such as this just adds to our strife.
Never know if we'll be shot while shopping for food,
some of them home owners have a rotten mood.

No, it's not easy at all, being a raccoon,
many times threatened, something about high noon.

If you think so, then quickly change places with me,
and I'll watch you panic and fall from this tree.



Precious Love


A precious love, hard to find, it's so rare,
if you find one, it will always be there.

Through all the bright times, and those that are dark,
on your heart and soul, it will leave its' mark.


A precious love will sure help you out,
make you so happy that you'll shout.
I have a precious love, oh yes, I do,
and that love is so very true.


Love isn't something that's brand new,
if you find a precious one, good for you.
One that is so true, and very grand,
the best you'll find in this whole land.


Even during times when you're apart,
that love remains deep within your heart.

You can be sure that this kind of love,
had to be sent down from God above.


He gave us this special love to share,
and we show each other how we care.

It's plain to see that we really do,
have a precious love that is so true.



What Are They Up To Now?


Too Many raccoons together at the river,
my whole body is starting to quiver.
Can't believe they're up to any good,
are they fixing to invade the neighborhood?


They were to move to Colorado, that's on hold,
my thoughts are making my blood run cold.
With this many in a group, something's not right,
a full-scale invasion, perhaps later tonight?


Who knows what these critters have in their plan,
but I have a feeling that it's not good for man.
But then maybe we can all just sit and laugh,
if they're only gathered to take a group bath.




Very Interest-Thing


You say that your car can really roar,
but 0 to 60 doesn't matter anymore.

There's something faster than your XKE,
the rising interest rate, can't you see?


It's rising higher, faster and faster,
our country is heading for disaster.
Very interest-thing, better slow it down,
before we have a collapse in town.


We have to stop it, that's no joke,
or the economy will soon go broke.

Anything that you buy with credit,
at minimum, you've tripled your debit.


The interest rates just soar and soar,
this country can't take very much more.
We'll end up in a severe depression,
we won't be having just a recession.
The answer, cut the interest back,
before our system's out of whack.




                                             When The Bough Breaks


Hey, up there on that branch it looks like old Bear,
he's in danger and he better walk with care.

For if that bough breaks, old Bear will fall,
and end up totally disabled and all.

He must be seeking revenge again,
his patience with the young'uns wearing thin.
He's earned the reputation of being a crank,
that's a fact you can take to the bank.


If he gets hurt when he hits the ground,

don't expect to see much help around.

That's what happens when you're mean and tough,
you mistreated them all, and they've had enough.




Food Raid


Trying hard to suppress my mischievous grin,
no one even spotted me sneaking in.
About to empty out another refrigerator,
will be coming back for more a little later.


I came across some hungry raccoon kids today,
seem like their mom had just walked away.
Somewhere in Hollywood, trying to be a star,
how can anyone be that way,? though many are.


I'll be sure them kids get tended and fed,
and safely tucked away each night in bed.
They sure won't be turning into skin and bone,
not while I'm here at the Raccoon Zone.



For Sunday March 31, 2024




That dark dreary tomb is empty today,

an Angel rolled the stone far away.

Jesus has conquered death, and the grave,

fulfilling his purpose of many souls to save.

Although he was crucified and had to bleed,

He's very much alive again, oh yes indeed.

Forgiving every one of their every sin,

all they have to do is invite Him in.

Believe in Him for eternal life,

toss away all the worldly strife.

Everyone who will accept Him today,

will have all their sins washed away.



Don't Let Life Pass You By


Shoot for the moon, set your sights high,
and don't let life pass you by.
Remember I'm always here for your,
backing everything you try to do.


Make sure you always take a stand,
don't let life get the upper hand.
You can do it if you really try,
just don't let life pass you by.


Don't let your life pass you by,
at any time before you die.

To your self you must always be true,


Excuse Me


For Pete's sakes, put that camera down you jerk,
don't you ever have to go to work?
Why must you harass with that camera every day,
We sure wish that you'd just go away.


I'm taking a bath, and want some privacy,
my physique isn't for everyone to see.
I'm stubborn, and we'll see who wins,
I just might have to crack your lens.


Not the one in your camera though,
your Peeping Tom eyesight has to go.
All my kin think you're a sick pervert,

so a little eyesight adjustment sure can't hurt.



That Ornery Little Leprechaun


Just spotted a little feller, a Leprechaun,
standing outside, right there on my lawn.
Teasing me about his pot of gold,

told me it would never be mine to hold.


Caught him by a fishhook in the seat of his pants,
hog-tied him securely, now I have a chance.
I'll grab his gold from the rainbow's end,
having plenty of time in which to spend.


No way that he'll be able to get loose,
now he'll learn all about human abuse.

He shouldn't have tried to taunt and tease,
his gold mine now, just to do as I please.


When I returned home, found out he was gone,
that little ornery old little Leprechaun.
But I'll keep his gold, hidden out of sight,
to reclaim it now, he'll have a big fight.


The luck of the Irish, was with me today,
since I found his gold and took it away.
He's back there again, screeching on my lawn,
one very ornery, & dead-broke Leprechaun.




He Can't Hold His Liquor


A skeleton ambled into a local bar,

he arrived driving an old Edsel car.

He parked his bony butt on a barstool,
The bartender said, "Hey, I'm no fool,


You can't hold your liquor," what he said,
was told, "hurry up that drink man, I'm almost dead."

"Hey Skelly, you're only allowed once to die,
that's why those bones of yours are dry.


It's only March, 7 months until Halloween,
way too early for you to be seen."

He replied, "I'm touring the country, and every bar,
I haven't missed a single one of them so far."


He cleared off the ashtrays that were in his way,
then said, "you know, I'm really really thirsty today.
Bring me 3 cases of beer, I'm drinking non-stop,
Oh, and please don't forget to bring me a mop."





This Cowboy's Horse


My horse may no longer be running around,
where I live in this so-called rural town.
It sure seems that what we fear,
is happening this very year.


My horse has been here all its' life,
these folks are causing too much strife.
It seems that they want to pass a law,
which apparently has a great big flaw.


This town is actually a rural place,
with just a few people, and lots of space.
There's room for them and the horses too,
if they kick them out, what will we do?


Where can we keep them, where can they stay,
why are they treating the horses that way?
Why must my horse leave this town,
because of some bureaucratic clown?


All you horse owners, it's time to talk,
before all we can do here is just walk.

Our horses are part of the history here.
since before crazy laws were near.


My horse isn't noisy like a dog,
or even messy, like a hog.
I don't think we should chase them away,
but those who try to, just shouldn't stay.





It's A Hard World After All


Being a young raccoon, it's so hard to survive,
when your mom doesn't realize you're alive.
She's in Hollywood at some Tiinseltown Zoo,
not realizing the three of us are in a stew.


Treed by a very hungry predator here,
we're not coming down, we're full of fear.

He may leave, but he'll be back tonight,
with his bright blue flashing light.


He says he's shooting us, but it won't hurt,
but our thoughts are, he's being curt.
We've seen lights before that fry you on the spot,
Ma, we need your help an awful lot!!!!!



Harvest My Love

I was born in the city, but must have had country blood,
cuz all I listened to was Naomi and Wynona Judd.
They all said stay away from any guy in a cowboy shirt,
or you'll get roped in, and then treated like dirt.


Well, I didn't listen to a word that they were sayin'
since I planned to marry someone like Waylon.

I left home at 18, my folks thought it a pity,
that I would head for the country, escaping the city.


I met this nice man dressed just like a cowboy,
his name was Bill, but was known as Elroy.
He asked me to go riding, just to look around,
at his large ranch he had, just outside of town.


We both got up on the back of his horse,
I felt like I was falling in love, of course.
He was so kind that I was beginning to doubt,
that the city folk knew what they were talking about.


Now hurry up Elroy, and harvest my love,
the seeds you planted have risen above
the soil in which you planted them deep,
yes, my love is now ready for you to reap.

We set up our wedding, a great big hoedown,
that's when them city folk came back around.
We warned you to stay clear of every cowboy,
now you're marrying one that's called Elroy?


You'll find out we knew what we were talking about,
he'll tear up your heart and just toss it out.
I knew they were all crazy, and hadn't a clue,
now it's 30 years later, and our love is still true.


now io



Oh No!!


We'll tell Ma that a beaver gnawed this tree down,
what does she expect when she's out of town??

She knows we'd never be up to mischief anyhow,
without her here to teach us, we don't know how.


I think this tree's seen better days,
it appears that it's fallen a ways.
How are we going to hide from that camera bug,?
taking so many photos of us, he thinks we're smug.


But next time he camps out, he's in for a surprise,
his vittles and lodging will meet their demise.
We'll do his entire camp like we did this here tree,
and sit back in the forest watching, tee hee hee.





Too Complicated

Seems my life is way too complicated,
when it comes to the girl that I've dated.
Her Pa was called Hatfield, mine McCoy,
her dad told her, "stay away from that boy.


He comes from bad stock, he's not for you."
but she said, "Pa, I really love him, I do."
He just wouldn't listen, he got so mad,
looks like our chance at love is really had.


My Pa found out about that Hatfield girl,
and in anger said, "she's no pearl.
Stay away from her or you'll wish you had,"
I don't think I've ever seen him get that mad.


Her dad's mad, & mine's full of anger,
seems like everything's heading for danger.
We just didn't know quite what to do,
they saw us together, their anger grew.

Now it's too complicated, and there's a big fight,
every time a Hatfield sees a McCoy in sight.
It's such a shame, it's really so sad,
looks like we've lost the love we had.


So we got together, late one night,
 we were determined to set things right.
We knew that we had to stop this feud,
it's not only unfair, but it's also rude.

We decided we'd have to just run away,
so we packed our stuff and left the next day.

We rode our horses both day and night,
and we won't return without a fight.


Well, those two joined up to search for us,
they searched every day right up to dusk.
We watched their camp while they slept past,
the dawn of day, so now, maybe at last.

Our love may finally have a chance,
so we returned home and went to a dance.
Two weeks later, my Pa and her's too,
returned and said, "our feud is through."


It had been too complicated for my head,"
and knew before that, our love was dead.
Now our love is true, that's what we've said,
and now at last, we've become wed.

That Hatfield girl is now a McCoy,
and we told our new baby boy,
If a gal ever sets your heart awhirl,
we both hope it's a Hatfield girl.









When's our mom coming back from Hollywood,?
before she left, she said, "you two be good."
How can we be good, we're raccoons ya know,
we have to be mischievous, we miss her so.

She's enjoying the glitter of Tinseltown days and nights,
while both of us have gotten into a few bad fights.
Not with each other, but with humans, they're so rude,
they don't seem to want us taking their food.


We just don't understand their philosophy at all,
we're only doing it because it's such a ball.
Without you here mom, they're giving us flack,
we know you''re having fun, but hurry back....



Help Your Mom A Little

Get in there and do those dishes,
I don't care if it's against your wishes.
When you're done, go get me some gas,
so I can go outside and mow the grass.

Is it really too much of me to ask,
for you to help out with a task?
Let's keep this house clean and neat,
don't forget to wipe your feet.

A little help is all she'll need,
so she can sit down and read.

Vacuum the rug, and mop the floor,
just a little help, nothing more.

Fix your own lunch, wash the clothes,
so we have more time to doze.

When you've finished all that,
clean your room and feed the cat.


Help her to clean up just a little,
simply meet her in the middle.
I'll buy you some food at the store,
and if you'll help just a little more,

I will help you cook your meals,
and maybe loan you my wheels.
If you keep her workload really light,
you may get to go out on Friday night.

She's not asking that much from you,
and it's the least that you can do.
To help her out just a little bit,
so she'll have more time to knit.





Hey everyone, my mom's made a hit in Hollywood,
I have to yell to the world that she did good.
Now her career is really going to come alive,
lay some skin on me, give me a high five.

Not very often that a raccoon goes that far,
She's on the cover of Vogue, and she's a star.
Didn't have to appear on American Idol to get her start,
she's my mom and she's a raccoon with lots of heart.

She may be singing her own hit song before long,
how can a title like "Down In The Coondocks go wrong?
She'll have a hit in the top ten before you know,
I'm proud of you mom, way to goooooooo!!!





There's a town in Arizona that's called Tombstone,
where the Clantons and Mclaurys chose to pick a bone.
Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and Doc Holliday,
for the Clantons and Mclaurys, a fateful day.


They met at corral that was called O.K..
but for the outlaws, it wasn't that way.
The Earp brothers and Doc Holliday,
sent Billy Clanton and 2 Mclaurys Boothill way.


Tombstone is where they chose to die,
and in Boot Hill they now lied.

Tombstone and Boot Hill in the hot, hot sun,
where the outlaws died by the gun.


On another grave in Boot Hill,
are the words of another kill.
Here lies Les Moore, killed by a .44,
now there is no Les no more.

This town was rough and really mean,
the bloodiest one the west has seen.
You didn't even dare ask about the weather,
or you'd be facing someone to slap leather.


They call it the town too tough to die,
and I guess you can figure out why.
It's still there under the hot, hot sun,
this town that has lived by the gun.


So, if you ever happen to go down,
to that old lawless silver town.
leave your gun at home with your western shirt,
so you don't end up under Boot Hill dirt.






Betcha I'm Gonna Be A Big Star

Doing a photo shoot for the cover of Vogue,
no longer need to be a thieving rogue.
High class, going to Hollywood,
doing what a raccoon star should.


So, photo bug, catch my best side,
my mask isn't something to hide.
It's simply a matter of raccoon pride,
going to give Tinsel Town a ride.


Wait until you see a big smile,
haven't done that for a while.
You never made the Lone Ranger take off his mask,
so, you had better not even bother to ask.



Grass Cuttin' Boogie


There're elves in the mines up near Park City,
who have a new dance, it's quite a ditty.
They do it each Sunday morning right at 9:00,
it causes all the lawnmowers in town to whine.


No one knows what exactly started it all,
but it drives one lady right up the wall.
The loudness of everyone else mowing their lawn,
I guess those elves must wake them at dawn.


The dance is not fast, and not very pretty,
but it goes on each Sunday up in Park City.
Elves wiggling, jiggling and shaking their woogie,
while they are doing the Grass Cuttin' Boogie.


She's hoping that soon they'll run out of gas,
before she'll have to go over and kick their grass.
These little folks laughing and having a thrill,
while the peaceful lady is ready to kill.


Hey, come to Park City and shake your woogie,
and join the elves doing the Grass Cuttin' Boogie.
It's not very fast, and surely not pretty,
but lots of fun doing the Grass Cuttin' Boogie.


So, if you believe in elves, and like to dance,
join them in Park City and take a chance.

Shimmy and shake, let's make the mines quake,
while we keep that poor woman wide awake.


She'll get really mad, she'll yell and scream,
and will wish this was all was only a dream.
Oh, bring your lawnmower, and lots of gas,
but when she wakes up, watch out for your grass.


Yeah, come join the elves up in Park City,
to miss out on all this would such a pity.
So come on now, shake, shake, shake your woogie,
as everyone does the Grass Cuttin' Boogie.




Chow Down


Imagine they thought they could hide all this food today,
guess they forgot we're raccoons, there's just no way.
Any time that there is food about,
you know that we will sniff it out.


This mountain of food is ours, now you know,
anyone trying to take it will be told, "No."
Possession is 9/10ths of the law,
you won't get it back now that we saw,


How many days this much food will last,
talk about parties, we're having a blast.
Too bad the doggies lost their Kibbles and Bits,
having us take it away must be the pits......




Old But Not Antique


We're getting old, but not antique,
you need to know we're still unique.
We're going deaf and losing our sight,
but we still know wrong from right.


You think when we're gone, you'll yank,
all of our money out of our bank.
That's something that you can't do,
and you'll find out the joke's on you.


We may be old, but we're not fools,
we willed our fortune to our mules.
You were mean to us, and treated us bad,
now you'll wish that you never had.


We're not deaf yet, we can still hear,
and the words you use aren't those of cheer.
If you keep talking like we're already in the grave,
they'll we'll make certain that we do not save.


Our home, our furniture and our car,
you'll be lucky to get a canning jar.
Treat us better, listen to what we said,
if you expect anything once we're dead.


We may not get around now very fast,
like we once did back in the past.
Just because our minds may be slow,
doesn't mean that we don't know,

About the greedy plans you've got,
after we're buried in our plot.
Think about all that you've put us through,
because one day, it will happen to you.



I Adore Trees

I simply love to hug a tree,
not everyone does, just me.
I just wrap my little paws all around,
so I don't fall out and hit the ground.

Actually I'm stuck here with claws dug in,
and I can't get free and to the ground again.
Don't stand there staring at your clock,
rescue me fast, here comes a hawk....


Who Is This Guy?

I think that I've really had my fill,
of whoever's this guy named Bill.
Each and every day, without fail,
I always seem to get his mail.

I never get anything to read,
just stuff saying, Bill, I need,
to have you send us some cash,
getting his mail gives me a rash.

Bill today, and Bill again tomorrow,
this poor guy must be in deep sorrow.
All he ever seems to get,
is stuff saying, please remit.

Who is this guy, what's the deal,
why is all my mail just for Bill?
I keep telling the mailman, I'm Jack,
so please take all Bill's mail back.

And don't bring it back anymore,
unless you want me to slam the door.
It's to the point I'm ready to kill,
if I get anymore of this mail for Bill.



A Great Hair Day

Haven't you seen a raccoon standing upright before,?
what a look on your face when I came through the door.
You're staring at my pretty red bows I see,
there will be no more bad hair days for me.

The beautician said I'm as cute as a 'coon,
I had an appointment with her this afternoon.
She did a great job, as you can tell,
the visit overall turned out just swell.

Now I'm really ready to move to Colorado,
has escrow closed,? come on, let's go.
I've heard there's some hunks of 'coon guys there,
I want to parade down the streets and see them stare.


Can I Use The Car?


I'd like to know if I could use the car,
I promise I won't be traveling too far.

I just want to visit a few of my friends,
she won't know that my list never ends.


I just want to see Fred, Jim and Mike,
and that's too far to take my bike.

Then Bill and George from my math class,
no, I won't use up all of your gas.


I'd sure like you lending the car to me,
so, I'm sure hoping that you'll agree.

So that I can go see a few of my friends,
on doing just that, my life depends.


I'll be careful, and I won't drive too fast,
at least not until the Sheriff's gone past.

Not really mom, that's only a joke,
and can you give me money for a Coke?


I'll bring your car back in one piece.
that should give you some relief,

by knowing I will not scar,

any part of your precious car.


Then a few more I should also see,
Cheryl, Christine, and Beverly.

Amanda, Judy and Daniel too, 
like I said, it's only a few.


They're all close by, and not too far,
now will you please let me use your car?

Over 100 miles, I'll never go,

unless it's okay to go see Joe.






Turning Over A New Leaf


Been running since I escaped, heading for The Zone,
but for right now, I simply want to be left alone.
I'm just hanging around as you can plainly see,
No more mischief or jail time for me.


Freedom is something I can't live without,
so, I'm changing my lifestyle without a doubt.

No more food stealin' by the light of the moon,
I'm turning myself into an honest raccoon.


It'll be hard eliminating the bandito lifestyle,
for a normal raccoon it'll be quite the trial.
But I'll give it my best, the old college try,
oh, did you ever know that raccoons lie???




What A Relief

At the start of a brand-new year,
we raccoons are full of fear.
Is this old coot going to let us stay,
or tell us we all have to move away?

We've really grown accustomed to this raccoon zone,
just like a dog with a humongous soup bone.
This is a place we really enjoy, can't you see,
I mean where else can we live for free?

Really, would he throw us out into the cold,
with Grandma and ole Bear Coon getting so old?
At long last, we heard him actually say, "okay,"
now we'll really have a great New Year's Day.


A Heavy Heart

I write these words with a heavy heart,
since again we two must be apart.
Our hearts full of love, but we're not glad,
once again, we both feel very sad.

I have to go again, it doesn't matter where,
but our strong love we'll continue to share.
I'll stick with you forever and ever more,
since you're really all I'm living for.

This heavy heart tears at my soul,
hoping that I don't lose control.
While writing this, my tears just fall,
you're my one and only, you're my all.

My heart feels like it could burst,
each time I leave, it's the worst.
You've no man nearby, the kids no dad,
to see you through when times are bad.

Every time we part, we both die inside,
because I have to take that long ole ride.
Welcome home, a much better thing to say,
and we're hoping it happens one great day.

So, you remain here and begin to cry,
as well as your heavy-hearted guy.
I tell you that I love you every day,
but your heart breaks when I drive away.

I'm driving a big rig, a great paying job,
but too much of our life it seems to rob.
Until that day we don't have to be apart,
I'll keep on driving with my heavy heart.


Guilty As Charged


Really Rapid, I didn't know it was your book of poetry,
won't you reconsider and set me free???

I just can't stand being cooped up here all alone,
please let me return to the Raccoon Zone.


To regain your favor, I'd jump over the moon,
and that's quite a feat for a fat raccoon.

I'll even buy you a replacement book,

if you'll give your a decision relook.


If I had known at all that it was your book,
that first bite, I would have never took.

But it was such sweet poetry though,

it was just impossible to tell my teeth no!!!



if you

Since I Was Seventeen (written in 1996)


I've been writing poetry since I was 17, 

for over 30 years now is what I mean.
Poems about mountains that rise above,

humorous poems and poems of love.


Some that were written about our dates,
and some about how someone like me rates.
I was lucky I got you to become my wife,
and write up poems about our married life.

Some were written about our kids,
and some of marriage on the skids.
Then some about our love bouncing back,
and getting everything back on track.


Some about the times we were apart,
all written from deep down in my heart.
All of this writing, I sure didn't mind,
since the words were so easy to find.


They would just flow out when I'd start,
another poem for my own sweetheart.
All the ones on love, so easy to write,
because of you being within my sight.




(Footnote, line 2 would be 60 years now)



Santa Learned This From Us


The fellar will never learn how his food disappeared today,

no signs of a break in at all, we made a clean get away.

They always overlook the raccoon's cleverness you know,

not knowing how we get inside, and then vanish though.


We always get our food, like the Mounties get their man,

when no other critter can do it, raccoons can.

We were born to pillage cabins, we were born to loot,

this guy's well stocked cabin is really a beaut.


At least it was before we hit the insided,
we raccoons raid well, we have our pride.

When he returns, he won't believe what he saw,
now let's get this stuff home and hide it from Ma.





He called his daughter 2 weeks before Christmas day,

and said, "sit down, you won't like what I'm fixing to say.

My doctor said I'm dying, maybe a month or two,

and I'm hoping for a final chance to see you.


You haven't visited for about 5 years,
excuse me, while I shed some tears.

I'm hoping you'll show for Christmas, love,
before I depart earth for Heaven above."


She began crying and said, "I'm on my way dad,

this horrible news is sure making me sad.
I wish I had more time to spend with you,
I'll use all my vacation days; I just have to."


He told her that was great, everyone would show,
just been far too long since seeing her though.


She arrived 3 days before Christmas came,
and was thinking this was such a shame.

Didn't know how long dad would be around,
gave him a very special present she had found.


"I'm so thrilled that you came to be with me,

this really made my Christmas, can't you see?

You spending all your vacation here,

sure makes me feel better dear."


Then the day came that she had to leave,

promised him every day a call he'd receive.

Two days later, he mailed her a letter,
telling her that visit sure made him better.


Visited my doctor again yesterday,

was so happy when I heard him say,

that I wouldn't be dying after all,

now your daughter won't have to bawl.


He smiled at his wife, he knew it would work,
even at the risk of being called a jerk.

He wasn't ever sick, it was just a ploy,
and if she ever finds out, it's Uh Oh Boy!!







What Is Christmas?


Christmas is a time to share with those in need,

not a time for people to show their greed.

It was started by God, in Heaven above,

as the ultimate gift of total love.


He gave up his son for those in sin,

so that they could all be born again.

That they might live a life blemish free,

God showed his love for both you and me.


So this holiday season, help the needy out,

you'll feel better inside, without a doubt.

Give them clothing, money, or food,

whatever you give will brighten their mood.


Show them you're Christ-like, and that you care,

and also that you are willing to share.

By giving to the needy, however you can,

let's make this a commitment to our fellow man.



'Tis Almost The Season


There was a Hickory Farms gift pack in here,

but we were hungry and made it disappear.

So guess now we'll be your Christmas present,

better than a Christmas goose or pheasant.


We were put in here by Santa Coon Paws,
we'll have to suffice for now, just because.

Such a pretty box they've wrapped us in,/

guaranteed to make any lil kid grin.


We're all gift wrapped and ready to go,
but keep all the food away from us though.

We've been known to steal food to eat,

'coons for Christmas presents, isn't that neat?





We'll Make It


I know we'll make it through when times are rough,
our supporting love for each other is enough,
to help us deal with things when they're bad,
by holding on to all the good we've had.


If we're apart, or together dear,
words of caring love will bring cheer.

A love so strong that we just can't see,
each other going through such misery.


Wish I could make things better than I can,
but you know that I'm
 only a mortal man.

I know we'll make it, if we only try,
we can do it together, you and I.


We may not have much of anything,
but we still wear each other's ring.

We will remain steadfast as man and wife,
knowing somewhere there's a better life.


Where our love we'll continue to share,
way up in Heaven, yes, high up there.

We'll enjoy it on high, and not be alone,
and we'll see our God, upon His throne.


Yes, my love, we'll make it through,
we both meant the words, "I do,"
at that time, we became man and wife,
pledging to share each other's life.


It's been a rough and rocky road,
but we've shared each other's load.
We'll make it through this life we're given,
and we'll make it up to a glorious Heaven.







Love A Tree

In the back bedroom, they've brought in our old tree,
the perfect place for my lil brother and me.
Here we don't have to worry about hunter's spotlights,
blinding us in the middle of the darkest nights.


And of course, there'll be no guns blazing away,
we know we'll wake up to the light of day.

We'll have to take care of something that won't hurt,
you see the movers forgot to bring in some dirt.


If we want the tree to keep on living and not die,
we need dirt for the roots, and sunlight from the sky.

So that roof will have to have a skylight put in,
all the comforts of home, you're making us grin.



Pair Of Hearts


A pair of hearts, just yours and mine,
with my constant hope they'll intertwine.
And be joined as if they were one,
then we'll know our love has won.


Two hearts in love from now til then,
over and over and over again.

We hope these two hearts will always stay,
so much in love through every day.


This pair of hearts, side by side,
can take everything within their stride.

Better than a royal flush, or a straight,
this pair of hearts together, is so great.


Hearts full of love, and of cheer,
paired together, so very near.

Two hearts in love always, that's for sure,

for this love, there is no cure.


They'll beat any hand you hold,
at least that's what I'm told.
We just won't forget, or despair,
cuz these two hearts will stay a pair.




Oh No You Don't


Hey that's a poetry book your teeth are sunk in,
I have to tell you that's an unforgiveable sin.

Gonna have to ban you from the Raccoon Zone,
tossed out homeless like a dog without a bone.


You could have chewed on a dictionary you know,
or a comic book, something less valuable, but no.
You had to pick on a book worth more than money,
chewing up poetry is something not at all funny.


I gave you food and a shelter over your head,
right now I don't care if you wind up dead.
Going to tell the hunters they can shoot at you,
chewing up poetry books, something you never do



Be Thankful

As you celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday,
remember this as over your meal you pray.
Thank God up in Heaven above,
for all his caring, and his love.

And after this holiday is all through,
thank him for the season we're going into.
The Christmas season that means so much,
the birth of Christ and his loving touch.

Be thankful for your life and your health,
more important than the world's wealth.
For the wealth of this world, no big deal,
it's only something for thieves to steal.

Be thankful for your entire family,
and the love God shows to you and me.
And as your celebration comes to an end,
be thankful for each and every friend.

And be thankful for what you had to share,
and thank your friends for always being there.


Terrible Turkey

Hundreds of turkeys here on the farm,
But one of them is causing me alarm.
He's so skinny when he's supposed to be fat,
It's now November, what's up with that?

The rest of them are getting fat, and looking fine,
But something's terribly wrong with one of mine.
He needs to be fat, when it's time for the axe to fall,
But he won't eat any grain, no, none at all.

Even hand feeding him, gave that a try,
But no success, can't figure out why.
He said, "I'm losing weight, fast as I'm able,
I intend to be sitting at, not on the table."


From Sea To Shining Sea


The land of the brave and the home of the free,

the pursuit of life, happiness and liberty.

Something's happening and it's causing fear,
they're trying to kick our horses out of here.


It's a shame and it's just not right,
to want all the horses out of sight.

Let's stop these laws now, before they start,
C'mon all you cowboys and do your part.


It's happening now, from sea to sea,
our horses no longer free to be,
how they once were, can't you see?
we should give them back their liberty.


You hear save that, and save this.
but no one will the horses miss.

Only the farmers, cowboys and rodeo riders,
who must accept the law of these outsiders.


We need to stop this tragic deed,
and come to the rescue of the loyal steed.

How can liberty stoop so low,
why should the horses have to go?


Come on America, join our force,

pitch on in, and save our horse.

They're part of our history,
Don't take away their liberty.


Let's leave them where they belong,
anything else would be so wrong.

Save the horses, keep them free,
across this land from sea to sea.




You Just Have To Survive


When you're hiding out from a P.I.,

you get food where you can or die.

Raiding this pack to see what I can find,
I'll be leaving quickly after I've dined.


This meal should get me on the trail,
there will be nowhere to forward my mail.
Just a scared raccoon on the lam,
that's exactly what I am.


Ricky Spillane trying to run my whereabouts down,
can't show my face in any ole town.

He's got spies searching everywhere,
can't believe I've been framed by Bear.






Just Plain Scared


Couldn't get the butter off of my left paw,
and I think it's something Ricky Spillane saw.

I've heard tale he's coming after me,
in an attempt to end my buttery spree.


But really, I only took butter for my toast,
to peaceful safety that Bear Coon can coast.

I was frame, I didn't want him to slide,
but now here I am, and I have to hide.


It isn't right, it just isn't fair,
catch the real criminal there.

It was Bear who stole all the butter you know,
he's trying to blackmail me and that won't go.





Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day this Saturday,

a time to honor them in every way.
Although they should be honored all year,
this holiday, it's time to make that clear.

They served our 
country and kept it free,
which is the way we want it to be.
Show the vets you know your appreciation,
for their selfless service to our nation.


Give them a gift, or maybe a call,
but remember to thank them all,
for their willingness to serve,
thanks is the least they deserve.






The Last Roundup


We're heading for the last roundup,

horses and cattle outta luck,? yup.

It's coming down to a cold hard fact,
the only thing left, a dog and cat.


Looks like all the farm animals must go,

somewhere in the future, not long though.

Politicians sitting around with a coffee cup,
talking about the last and final roundup.


It's time to get those animals out of here,

horses and cows, we don't want them here.


Also, sheep, goats and the hogs,
let's just keep cats and dogs.

All their complaining won't last long,
the City Council won't steer us wrong.

The last roundup, near at hand,

and spreading across our land.

You know that they're around,
taking our animals from our ground.


I guess the next thing will be,
taking my land away  from me.

They'd rather build a park or a store,

then having our animals any more.





Hot On The Trail


Ricky Spillane is hot on the criminal's tail,
this raccoon had the brains of a snail.

You see he left his coonprints all over the place,
forensic experts will soon identify his face.


Besides that his pawprints are all buttered up,
and he can't even hang on to a common tea cup.

If he slips when his forefeet hit the dirt,
we'll soon see him getting hurt.


You know Bear Coon's looking for him too,
and ready to ship him off to the nearest zoo.

I doubt if he'll have too much to say,
but he'll probably beller out, "it was the Parkay.





You('re) Back Again


Why is it that throughout my life,
many times I've gone under the knife?

My gallbladder's gone, my knees are bad,
just two of the surgeries I have had.


My lower spine was totally shot,
Degenerative arthritis, what I've got.

The x-rays showed it was a bad attack,
the doctor had to open up my back.


Heavy metal was installed in it to hold
my spine in place to let the fusion mold,

my back into one piece, letting me win,
11 months later I hear, "you('re) back again"?


He told his team, once again we have to rip her,
maybe this time we should install a zipper.

The hardware inside her has to go,
maybe that's what's hurting her so.


We'll have to go in and take it all out,
do you think she'll wind up with gout?

Once we've stitched her up, closed her back,
don't send in therapy, she might attack.


Now that all that metal is finally out,
you know exactly what I'm talking about,
When I say I hope that I finally did win,
never to again hear, you('re) back again.




Slip N Slide Time


A cube of butter, just what I need,
to help me accomplish my ignorant deed.

I'll smear it all over Old Bear's chair,
and watch him slide off on his derriere.


All the other coons will get a laugh,
some may bust their gut in half.

But that Bear deserves to go for a ride,

dern his ole ignorant crusty hide.


They've elected me to take care of this task,
and I told them, "you don't have to ask."

Anything to get revenge on Bear is my pleasure,
finding this butter here is really a treasure.....



Lost In The Rockies Again


I found myself lost in the Rockies again,

freezing cold, food supply is thin.

A way out I seek and seek,
roaming around on Pike's Peak.


I enjoy being lost up here you see,

because this is truly God's country.

I can vision the reason Zebulon Pike,

picked this mountain for his hike.


The beauty here is beyond compare,

such scenery as this is very rare.

I have no feeling left in my toes,

trying to get away from the winter snows.


I located a cave and started a fire,

now things aren't looking all that dire.

If I get out, I'll grab my things,
and live above Colorado Springs.


Not that it doesn't have a beauty it's own,

but it's a matter of how it's grown.

I enjoy elbow room, is that such a sin,?

I'll return to the Rockies, lost again.



I've Climbed Up, But I Can't Fall Down


I've climbed up here and I'm stuck in this tree,

no falling down in the cards for me.

I don't know if I'll be able to get loose,
I've wiggled and tried, but it's no use.


I sure hope that someone will help me down,
too bad we made that human move into town.

I'm sure he could figure out how to free me,

why did I ever climb up this tree?


Monkeys are who are supposed to climb t

Darkness Unfolds


Darkness unfolds at the end of the day,
things just aren't going very well I say.

There's too much strife, too much pain,

and uncontrollable thoughts in my brain.


Why has all this darkness come over me,?

only want to be living a life that's free.

Free from the anguish of everyday strife,
free to live a much happier life.


But the unfolding of darkness won't let it be,

the bright happy days are gone you see.

This life I'm living is really no fun,

I'd sure love to see the bright warm sun.






just Hanging Around


Now this is a much better way to play,
at least like this, I won't have to pay.
The police don't mind me swinging here,
better than dumpster diving, clear?


I could have fun doing this day and night,
and never worry about causing a fight.
Hanging on tight, swinging round and round,
what better pastime can ever be found.


While my kinsfolk rummage through the trash,
picking the wrong bag may give 'em a rash.

Plus you should be worried about what the Chief will do,

after he cleans up your mess, and gets ahold of you.




Pure Garbage

Going through the Police Chief's garbage,? oh boy,
and I thought raccoons were supposed to be coy.
Throwing his garbage all over the ground,
he's going to be mad when this mess is found.


You can be certain of one thing, without fail,
he's going to toss the two of you into jail.

He'll find no humor in the way you play, 
he'll lock you up and throw the key away.


You should have found other garbage to play in,
messing with his is an unforgivable sin.
He's not a forgiving officer you know,
you both better be ready to eat crow.



Golden Years??

Someone decided on the term of "Golden Years,"
but why do they fill so many people with tears?
It sure seems for most they're not shining and bright,
so the word as a life description is certainly not right.

Some end up with COPD, arthritis, gout, or other disease,
unable to walk, have a bad back, or very crippled knees.
Not to mention poor vision and loss of hearing as well,
they can see that you're talking, but unable to tell.

It's not selective hearing, and it's not a ruse,
their poor body has taken too much abuse.
It also seems most of them lose their hair,
where there was a lot, now there's none there.

Seems there's nothing but lots of aches and pains,
and Alzheimers takes away their functional brains.
No, those years far from golden, so tarnished you see,
so they're not really golden years at all, take it from me.


Sounds Heard In The Night

Sounds are heard in the night,
but none causing any fright.
The keyboard clicking as I write,
poetry way late, into the night.

Outside my window, the leaves rustle,
cars speeding by, what's the hustle?
Awakened by someone's snore,
unable to type words anymore.

The snoring I heard, well, it was me,
interrupting my typing of poetry.
Should hear the sound of pillow meeting head,
and quitely go climb into my bed.

Got to get some rest, worked hard all week,
sounds like somewhere there's a water leak.
Then at midnight, a ring on the phone,
and our dog gnawing on a big soup bone.


We've Been Infiltrated


The Raccoon Zone's limit now hit overload,
I didn't know any of them knew the code.
Sneaking in after the lock was set,
he's not the only one I bet.


Been noticing some new faces here,
they've cracked the code, my worst fear.
Now I've got to open up that condo fast,
and probably another so the rooms will last.


Multiplying faster than rabbits, yes, it's true,
keep spotting little ones that are brand new.
Maybe it's something in the water from that crazy loon,
I'll have to have that bird leave town by high noon.



I Still Salute Our Flag

Death and destruction came from the sky,
the whole world watched, and asked why?
Horrific attacks on American soil,
tempers around the world in a boil.

How could they think they would win,?
not acts of religion, pure acts of sin.

No God would promote loss of innocent lives,
moms and dads, along with husbands and wives.

So many carried out in a body bag,
yet America and I still salute our flag.
They'll never succeed in destroying our land,
as long as we hold on to our God's hand.



Not Another One (From The Raccoon Zone book)


Not another 'coon, this one has to be bottle fed,

just to ensure that it doesn't wind up dead.

This rapid reproduction just isn't right,
probably will end up with three more tonight.

Just might have to coat them all with Bondo,
I'm going to have to lease a big condo.
Too many babies, way too fast,
how long can my patience last?


I believe there's one born every hour,
this whole 'coon zone thing's going sour.
Some emergency plans will have to be made,

my rights in this house are starting to fade.




Dirnk, What Does That Mean? (from 1996)


Richfield's Maverik sign read Hoagie and dirnk too,
and I'm wondering if that's really good for you.

I've never heard of a dirnk, what does it mean,
is it vegetable, mineral, or in between?


There probably isn't anyone who'd know,
although it might be fun trying one though.

If you'd like to try one as you dine,
hurry before they change the Maverik sign.


It's only in Richfield, at Main and 3rd South,
the word's spreading by word of mouth.

If it turns out to be our best seller yet,
extensive advertising is a sure bet.



Not Quite

Today would have been our anniversary of 56 years,
but Judy's in Heaven, and I'm here shedding tears.
I'm missing her so much, so are all of you though,
but we'll see her up there once again you know.

She lived her 74 years here with a giving heart,
fulfilling anyone's needs, willing to play the part.
Always sharing her love and her care,
especially for all the kids that were there.

Many of the times that she could make it to R.B.C.,
there were gifts for the kids, adult kids too you see.
Some wanted to pay her, but she told them no way,
it's just a little something to help brighten your day.

Our earthly anniversaries may be over and done,
but I'm not going to ever forget a single one.
For so very close to 56 years, we shared our love,
now she's lovingly watching me from Heaven above.


Buffoon Raccoon (From The Raccoon Zone Book)


This isn't a bath, it's to put the hound's water in,

you silly raccoon , you always provide a grin.
I think you were a clown in an earlier life,
you make me laugh, as you also do my wife.


Some before wound up in a fur-chaser's trap,
and soon became a famous coonskin cap.
Looking at the cute expression on their face,
how could they be tossed out of this place?


That's only part of a coon's disguise,
along with that mask around their eyes,
Be very wary of them, I'm warning you,
or they'll turn your home into a zoo.



A Dog Named Bear


Around our house you had to walk with care,
so you didn't step on the paws of our dog Bear.
Vicious and as mean as he could be,

if mistreated, you'd quickly see.


Like a polar bear, fluffy and white,
make sure you keep him in sight.
Don't let him sneak up behind you,

on ankles he just loves to chew.


So far no one has lost their hide,
or got mauled so badly that they died.

Attention to him, give your all,
he was a whopping 3 inches tall.







I enjoy standing in a soft rain,
so easily it can hide all my pain.

A mask for my falling tears,
and it can hide all my fears.


A gentle cloudburst from the sky,
it's easy to see exactly why.

It relaxes the body and the soul, 
getting my life back in control.


Just like birds playing in the rainfall,
now nothing bothers me at all.
Soaked to the bone, but I don't mind,
it's the most peaceful place I can find.







I'm Not Paranoid

I feel like someone's behind me,
but I'm not paranoid you see.
I turn around to face their stare,
and find out no one's there.


They're out to get me, I know they are,
I have stare proof windows on my car.
I feel their presence, I know they're there,
but they always vanish into thin air.


I know I'm not imagining things,
I jump
every time my phone rings.

I know it's one who's following me,
but I'm not paranoid, nosiree.


When I'm shopping at the store,

I get that feeling even more,
I go the opposite way down every aisle,
so I can see everyone there, and smile.


If anyone comes up behind my back,
they"ll see me have a panic attack..
No reason for anxiety to be this strong,

If you think I'm paranoid, you're just wrong.





Stupid Cupid


An arrow shot high through the air,

Found its way to my derriere.

A stupid little creature with a dart,

Claims to have aimed for my heart.


If that’s your best, then please don’t shoot,

You dog-gone stupid little brute.

My heart doesn’t look like my rear,

So exactly what’s going on here?


You’re supposed to bring love alive,

So do your job and cut the jive.

Get your archery skills out of that rut,

I can't even sit down on my butt


Desert Breeze

A cool night desert breeze,
helps to put my mind at ease.
Cooling off the hot dry day,
this desert breeze comes my way.

Bats fly in the cool of the night,
flying gracefully, need no light.
Don't disturb a rattler, you'll pay,
still a desert breeze comes my way.

A mild breeze, with little power,
coyotes howl hour on hour.
Enjoying this coolness, I must say,
as this desert breeze comes my way.
Never feel this breeze til the sun goes down,
that's how it happens in this desert town.
So I always wait for the end of the day,
when this desert breeze comes my way.


Shadows On The Moon

I see shadows on the moon at night,
which hinders it shining bright.
Thin whispy clouds blown by the wind,
an eerie sight, as moonrays descend.

It's rather spooky, or even bizarre,
that's the way moon shadows are.
Should I venture out with shadows there,?
some people will, others won't dare.

I know there's no danger, but still,
I'm really not too sure if I will.
Perhaps I'l watch from safely inside,
where moon shadows can't see me hide.


Sounds Heard In The Night

Sounds that are heard in the night,
some of them known to cause fright.
The keyboard clicking as I write,
poetry, way late into the night.

Outside my window, the leaves rustle,
cars speeding by, why the hustle?
I'm awakened by someone's snore,
and unable to type here anymore.

That snoring I heard, well it was me,
it interrupted me typing poetry.
Should hear the sound of pillow meeting head,
which means I had better jump into my bed.

I've got to get rest, I worked hard all week,
sounds like somewhere, there's a water leak.
Then, at midnight there's a ring on the phone,
and my dog gnawing on a large soup bone.


Camping Fun


I remember going camping with my dad,

and all the fun? that we had.

When I was old enough, he told me,

"go pitch our tent by that old tree."


I said, "dad, I can't put up this tent,

you can see the poles are all bent."

"No problem," he said, "here's what you do,
gather some tree limbs, quite a few.


"O.K,"  I said, "I'll give it a try,"
I was too old to sit and cry.

But putting up a tent with crooked poles,
what's more, it's all full of holes.


Camping with dad was lots of fun?,
but I was sure glad when it was done.

Now I take my son with me when we go,
and there's one thing that you should know.


I own that tent with the bent poles,
and yes, it's still all full of holes.

My son said, "dad, get another one."

but I wonn't because he's having fun.



Tennessee River


Sitting on the banks of the Tennessee River,

it's sheer majesty just makes me shiver.
Yet it brings such peace and calm to me,
how I love to daydream on the Tennessee.


I didn't bring along a fishing rod,
no one here, but me and God.

I can relax and dream the entire day,
it helps chase all my troubles away.


The river flowing by so very strong,
just where has the world gone wrong.
It's beauty is unsurpassed you see,
as it flows by so majestically.





Love Whispers

Love whispers softly in the night,
two people aware --- all is right.
Love whispers softly, as we know,
the wonderful words --- I love you so.

Love whispers softly in the night,
two people in love, what delight.
Love whispers softly in the night,
taking romance to a lofty height.

Love whispers softly to you and me,
romance is blossoming, elequently.
Love whispers softly, throughout life,
between two people, husband and wife.


This Land Is Your Land

Swallows gracefully glide in the great blue
purple peaks brush their flight path
Snow capped mountains stretch majestically
crystal stream flows thunderously
Watering the arid valley below
sunshine illuminating such beauty
Created by the hand of God
pleasing the eye of mankind
Oceans kissing the white sandy beach
receding again to the deep blue
Desert sunset flaming on the evening sky
This land is your land.....



Write Away


What can I do,? I've locked up my computer,
my toilet's plugged, call Motor Rooter.
Tell them to hurry, manuscript's due today,
why did they say tell me Write Away?


I'm doing that, I'm trying to type,
it smells like the bathroom's over ripe.

I hope they fix the toilet quick,
oh no, now my computer's sick.


I've got 4 hours to get this done,
wasn't writing supposed to be fun?

I see the work crew, they've made it at last,
oh no, they just drove right on past.


Here's my keys, catch them with my car,
let them know right where we are.

They should have just followed their nose,
nothing in here smells anything like a rose.


I finally got through to the computer technician,
his answering machine said he's out fishin'.

I called another one who said, "write away,"
how does everyone know what I'm doing today?


If I hear those 2 words one more time,
when they're done, they won't get a dime.
Everything's fine now, they've got their pay,
I'll beat my deadline if I mail this right away.



Pearl Harbor Day

It was on the 7th of December, back in 1941,
an attack by Japan that shouldn't have been done.
Ships, planes and buildings all under attack,
2,390 casualties that would never be back.

Japan considered the surprise raid a victory,
but didn't how they would end up eventually.
World War II was immediately under way,
they should never have messed with the U.S.A.

There were some signs that were ignored,
apparently the higher command wasn't on board.
Planes were reported on radar and a submarine eyed,
messages sent up to them, were unanswered and died.

Action should have been taken to minimize the lost,
but it wasn't and Pearl Harbor paid an enormous cost.
The local commanders were who the public decided to blame,
and lived a life of shame until 1999 when we exonerated their name.



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